Three Cheers for Todd
My computer is back with Todd!!
Great things are about to happen.
I can feel the positive energy swirling in the atmosphere.
Everyone send prayers or positive thoughts his way.
This borrowing laptops business is getting really old.
Great things are about to happen.
I can feel the positive energy swirling in the atmosphere.
Everyone send prayers or positive thoughts his way.
This borrowing laptops business is getting really old.
Yes. Heather, please.
I'd do the naked funky chicken dance on a public street if I thought it would help.
I'm sending majorly good vibes to your computer right now . . . aoooooh!!! ;)
Well, if you give him a cheer for me, that makes at least four cheers for Todd.
I'm glad you're up and running. I'll light a candle for your continued success.
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