Wednesday, February 15, 2006

What inquiring minds may or may not want to know.

Okay. I found today's photo while googling "happy face". While it doesn’t look like me and doesn’t really relate to the topic of health, I just found it too inspiring to pass up. ;-)

I know. I'm bad.

Without going into a lot of gory details, everything went pretty well yesterday. The only problems were that instead of 1 hour in recovery it took 2 ½ hours because they were having trouble with “pain control”, and my throat is still very sore from the tube they ran down my esophagus. Other than that, I am doing VERY well today and not really experiencing much pain at all.

See. All those positive thoughts and prayers worked.

Great Job, ladies.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sooo glad you're doing well today, Betty :)

3:58 PM CST  
Blogger Gregg said...

Betty- sorry to hear you were ill. Hope all is well now. I just wanted to thank you for stopping by my site and saying hello. Your words were very kind. Thank you. -gregg

4:00 PM CST  
Blogger Dana Pollard said...

I'm like Heather... I wasn't looking at his face either! hehe

Happy to hear you're on the road to recovery!!

10:24 PM CST  

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